What happens if WW3 start's tomorrow?
What happens if WW3 start’s tomorrow?
I am just curious to write about what happens when world war 3 started. Well… It may be humanity’s greatest fight yet. It involves advanced technologies, Massive Troops, and more dreadful strategies.
There’s a lot of questions going in mind right?? Why would something like that happen? What countries would join in? How would this war be fought?
The people would have talked about a possible World War 3 for decades. It almost started in the 1960s during the cold war between Russia and the US but thankfully we managed to avoid that.
But let’s say we aren’t lucky enough to avoid it next time. When might WW3 happen? well it’s tough to say
A World War could start due to prominent political figures getting killed, intelligence threats, or fighting over valuable resources. Talking about this makes the chances of war happening sound likely. But the chances are actually a lot lower than you think.
Since 1945, the world had seen many different battles in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and dozens of different civil wars.
we should keep in mind that in order for a World War to happen it needs to involve the entire world and the structure of the world had changed even more since 1945. Countries simply aren’t close allied as they used to be. Militaries are even stronger and more skilled than they were.
As in the previous World War, it’s most likely that millions of people would die, and the earth would take decades, if not centuries to recover.
Especially with some of the weapons and tools, countries would be using in today,s age, soldiers on the ground might have exoskeletons.
These are metal frames around the soldier’s body that augment their strength. Although this probably turns them into robocop it would make it easier for a soldier to carry heavy equipment over long distances.
Weapons that can bend around corners might also be a possibility and instead of seeing the war fought in the sea or the sky, it could actually be fought in space.
Militaries could fight over weaponized satellites that could affect what’s below them. Although a lot of this stuff sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, we should keep in mind that these weapons are scary, and hope no one will ever need to use them.
After all things like this are meant to kill people but there may not be many soldiers on the ground the war of the future might be fought on computers drones, AI and robots could be the only things on the battlefield.
There’s also a chance that acts of war in the future might not involve any violence at all… Hacking into other countries’ computers as well as power grid shutdowns are all a possibility.
What would this war be anyway?
It could have to do with resources specifically water 💧 since freshwater is such a scarce yet valuable resource.
Nations may begin to fight over it as it continues to deplete.💣💣💣
Hopefully, WW3 won’t go on forever… so how could it end? Well one and the main reason why a World War hasn’t happened yet has to do with these terrible things 💀
During WW2 the US dropped nuclear bombs on Japan killing over one hundred thousand people.
The cities involved took decades to recover but the two nukes used in WW2 would pale in comparison to the modern nukes we have today.
Oh and by the way there are nearly 14000 nuclear warheads around the world held mostly by America, Russia and China. A nation can have all the resources people and strategy they want but if a nuke gets dropped on them - then it’s game over and if one country drops a nuke, what’s to stop another country from doing the same? and soon the world will be destroyed.
so who would win this war???
Absolutely No One
A full-on World War 3 would have a massive impact on the world as a whole its safe to say that the world would never be the same but try not to lose sleep over this. After all, a World War like this with dozens of countries involves is incredibly likely to start tomorrow.
If two countries get into a fight it’s more likely that other countries that aren’t directly involved will stay that way and let the other nations fight for themselves. Wars are terrible so let’s try to avoid them and stay in peace.